Airsoft facebook trading market for EU

Hi, my name is and i am Croatian Hrvoje airsoft player. Croatia is newest member of Europe union so i started to search other EU airsoft forums, especially ones with trade markets. So i came to idea to create open facebook group for airsoft trading from EU countrys only. We have regional group in Croatia and it proven to work very well. So why not go global Perhaps some of you wanna make HV (Croatian Army) loadout, why not get preety cheep RS gear? Goes vice versa. My plan is to contact every major EU country airsoft forums and try to get people to join in. If you wanna check it out or think its a good idea please join this group:

I am sorry if i made any mistakes program, please dont gun me down Please do give me links to any other major EU AS forums if you have any. Thanks for your time. Over and out ...

(100 Posts)

(nachträglich editiert am 06.08.2013 um 14:06 Uhr)


as the others already said, in germany it's not easy to import guns.

But I think this is a great idea for "normal" equipment, like uniforms and patches.

I really like this  idea.

Is there a possibility to contact you if you want to purchase sth. but don´t have fb?


 Check this site: 

Erst lesen und verstehen, dann antworten.

Der Gute ruft auf, ein Europäisches Netzwerk aufzuziehen, wo dann Spieler an günstige Originalausrüstung der jeweiligen Landesarmee kommen können. Statt das über Ebay oder aufwendige Importe zu machen.

Von Waffen war da nichts zu lesen.

Alles was nicht zum Thema passt, kommt in die Rundablage "P".

[Thread verschoben nach: "Einsteiger: Sonstiges"]

For some reason i cant log in using Chrome, so i am having a bit of troubles to translate what you said. Please do use english if not a problem.

@Godfather, i am sorry but i dont have time to do what you asked me to do. I am simply making group nothing else, rest is up for you guys. Trade any kind of airsoft gear you like including airsoft replicas, uniforms, parts and any other as gear you have/want. I dont get anything from it besides spending my free time searching airsoft forums and trying to get people with same intereses together in one place. Remember i am not retailer or shop just regular AS player :)

Waldgeist wrote a translated summary of what you said. So it was no answer to your suggestion.

Not necessary. It was more an Explaination of what Hrvoje wrote, for the Users who missunderstood the Message.

Go on. ;)
